All About Our Work – Our Journey and Beliefs
Just Us Friends began when Jasen volunteered to do medical work at St. Joseph's Hospital in Moshi, Tanzania in 2010. While there he recognized the need to provide simple everyday medical treatment for the children as they had very little, if any, means to receive. With the average pay per day being about $1.00 USD, most of the family income goes to provide food for the family which leads to little left to spend on medical care.
When Jasen returned after three-month stewardship, he had decided he would return to Tanzania and make it his mission to help in the medical field. Several of "us friends" decided we could help make a difference and began Just Us Friends. We built our first medical clinic at GoodHope Orphanage outside of Arusha, TZ, which opened in October 2011.
One more thing you should know...We are not like other Non-Profits; we are all volunteers, so when you donate $100 the entire $100 goes to our projects. There are no administration fees.
It's true that "Thoughts Do Become Things!"
We welcome your involvement.
Pay It Forward
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